Sustainable Products
Hello, we’re Evlogia.
Evlogia Eco Care is a startup company that comes up with eco-friendly and healthy innovations meant for daily use by common people. At Evlogia Eco Care we believe that it is possible to find in nature everything that we need for our daily living, without having to resort to products that harm the only home we have – the earth. We believe that it is possible to come up with products that positively impact the environment, the society as well as the end-user.
We are the Change Makers!
Evlogia’s goal is to provide the world with alternatives to plastic and other non-biodegradable articles used in homes, offices, hotels and other places.
Impace we’re making on this planet!
How are we making an impact!
- Problem We Are Addressing : We are replacing single use plastic straws which are a hazard to the environment. In the US, an estimated 500 million single-use plastic straws are used each day, while in Europe the figure stands at 25.3 billion in a year.
- Plastic Straws are not biodegradable
- Plastic Straws ae difficult to recycle
- Plastic straws pollute our oceans and waterways
- Plastic straws are harmful for the organisms living in ocean and land.
- We use fallen dry coconut leaves are used to make straws.
- Products innovated by Evlogia are eco-friendly, being 100% organic and biodegradable.
- It also prevents burning of coconut leaves ( CO2 emission) at farms.